MV anecdotes
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Les cinq cartes Austere Command, Cryptic Command, Profane Command, Incendiary Command et Primal Command, de l'édition Lorwyn, forment un cycle appelé "Command" d'éphémères/rituels qui permettent de choisir deux effets parmi quatre.
Ce cycle a inspiré des cycles similaires, parus dans les éditions Dragons of Tarkir, Strixhaven School of Mages et The Brothers' War (voir respectivement cette anecdote, celle-ci et celle-là).
Les cartes Kozilek's Command et Your Wish Is My Command parues ensuite font référence à ce cycle.


[...] In Lorwyn, [Aaron Forsythe] made a cycle of cards he originally called Super Charms. The original Charms from Mirage were instants that allowed you to choose one of three small effects. The Charms were much beloved and we've done them again and again in many different incarnations. The Super Charms gave you four choices instead of three and let you choose two effects instead of one. The Commands, as they ended up being called, were a huge hit; Cryptic Command , the blue one, became a staple in many formats.
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