Les cinq cartes
Betor, Kin to All,
Shiko, Paragon of the Way,
Teval, Arbiter of Virtue,
Neriv, Heart of the Storm et
Ureni, the Song Unending, de l'édition
Tarkir: Dragonstorm, ainsi que les cinq cartes
Betor, Ancestor's Voice,
Shiko and Narset, Unified,
Teval, the Balanced Scale,
Neriv, Crackling Vanguard et
Ureni of the Unwritten, de l'édition
Tarkir: Dragonstorm Commander Decks, forment un cycle de dragons esprits légendaires et rattachés aux
wedges des clans de Tarkir, respectivement : Abzan, Jeskai, Sultai, Mardu et Temur (voir aussi
cette anecdote).
Source ("The two-color cards in a wedge set want to be enemy-color cards, as that's what is supported in a wedge-focused Limited environment. [...] That meant if we put dragonlords in the set, they would have to either be monocolor or three-color creatures. [...] The Creative team decided they would rather create new three-color Dragons and five Spirit Dragons that help the clans.")